These maps are provided by SDG&E in accordance with requirements set forth by the California Public Utilities Commission. This map is not survey grade. SDG&E is not responsible for any party’s use of or reliance upon these maps. SDG&E makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy or quality of these maps. Replication of these maps is prohibited. The publication or distribution of data downloaded from the maps without SDG&E’s express written consent is prohibited. SDG&E does not support the inappropriate use of this data that: (1) Puts the physical or cyber-security of the electric grid or gas pipelines at risk; (2) Violates customer privacy; (3) Compromises sensitive market data; or (4) Voids company intellectual property, patents, or trade secrets. SDG&E's provision of these maps is contingent on the above areas being unaffected. Certain technology used under license from AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P. Copyright ©1998 – 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property 1, L.P. All rights reserved.
These maps are provided by SDG&E in accordance with requirements set forth by the California Public Utilities Commission. This map is not survey grade. SDG&E is not responsible for any party’s use of or reliance upon these maps. SDG&E makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy or quality of these maps. Replication of these maps is prohibited. The publication or distribution of data downloaded from the maps without SDG&E’s express written consent is prohibited. SDG&E does not support the inappropriate use of this data that: (1) Puts the physical or cyber-security of the electric grid or gas pipelines at risk; (2) Violates customer privacy; (3) Compromises sensitive market data; or (4) Voids company intellectual property, patents, or trade secrets. SDG&E's provision of these maps is contingent on the above areas being unaffected. Certain technology used under license from AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P. Copyright ©1998 – 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property 1, L.P. All rights reserved.
Update: The SDG&E Interconnection application is now a public site. You will no longer need to log in to access this information. On March 28th, all San Diego Gas & Electric Hub Community accounts that were created to support this site will be disabled.